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Environmental Management

Coexistence with the global environment

ADVICS will contribute to building a sustainable society and harmony between people and the earth for the future through its business activities in order to realize the AISIN Group management philosophy based on "Bringing excitement to mobility and smiles to the future."

Environmental Statement

ADVICS' mission is to contribute to the development of a safer and more comfortable automobile society through the development, production, and sales of automotive brake products. To this end, all employees of ADVICS Group aim to achieve harmony between the environment and people, to realize a better environment, and to solve environmental and social issues.

Code of Conduct

  1. In addition to conforming to international standards and complying with the laws, regulations, and agreements of each country, we will also establish our own standards and strive to prevent pollution.
  2. We will promote the development and production of earth-friendly technologies and products that take into account their life cycles.
  3. We will work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in all our business activities, including the use of clean energy, in order to move towards a carbon-free society.
  4. We strive to minimize resource usage and waste by using water efficiently, procuring materials that have a low environmental impact, and reusing waste materials.
  5. We will promote biodiversity and ecosystem protection activities through environmental conservation activities.
  6. We will strive to continually improve our environmental management system, while also working to reduce our environmental impact and prevent pollution.
  7. We will respond sincerely to requests from stakeholders regarding the environment and work in cooperation with group companies.
  8. We will invest appropriate management resources to innovate technology, improve facilities, and promote education, training, and awareness.
  9. We will thoroughly inform all employees of this policy, strive to achieve high goals, and proactively disclose information.

April 1, 2023
Chief Environmental Officer
Executive Vice President Makoto Kamiya

Main Environmental Data (Non-consolidated)

In order to ensure a decarbonized, recycling-oriented society and symbiosis with nature, we have set targets for each indicator and are working on activities to reduce the environmental impact.

CO2 emissions from production
industrial waste
  • Emissions figures are reference values

The Seventh Aisin Consolidated Environmental Action Plan

As a member of AISIN Group, ADVICS aims to build a society in which everyone can live in peace in harmony with nature, and will steadily implement and achieve our environmental action plan.

Key implementation items

All AISIN Research Group

In order to promote environmental activities globally, AISIN Group has established energy saving study groups, environmental conservation study groups, EMS study groups, and product environment study groups.

Obtained ISO14001 certification

In January 2005, our head office area obtained the international standard ISO14001 for environmental management. We prioritize the development of environmentally friendly technologies and products, and promote activities based on the principle of "valuing limited resources."

Utilizing natural energy

We are promoting the use of natural energy, such as by installing solar panels on buildings, and are working to secure power for BCP purposes.

Power generation capacity 1,730kWh/hour
Annual reduction in CO2 emissions 960t
Thailand base Solar panels

Effective use of treated wastewater

ADVICS Kariya Plant has reduced its water usage by 165,000 m3 per year by reusing purified wastewater as cooling water for production equipment and waste oil concentrators.

Annual reduction in water usage 165,000m3
ADVICS Kariya Plant

Reusing anti-static gloves by washing them

Previously, ADVICS Handa Plant disposed of used anti-static gloves as industrial waste. However, they realized that they can be washed and reused depending on the dirt or damage, and they established a system for reuse within Plant, which resulted in a reduction of waste by 500 kg/year.

Annual waste reduction 500kg
ADVICS Handa Plant

Environmental cleanup activities

We regularly carry out cleanup activities in the areas surrounding our company. By cleaning up the area through these activities, we are able to further improve our employees' environmental awareness.

Cleaning activities at China base

Carbon Neutral

ADVICS aims to achieve carbon neutrality in order to solve the problem of climate change.

What is carbon neutral?

It is said that a major cause of climate change is global warming, and preventing global warming has become an important issue in order to protect our way of life.
Carbon neutral means subtracting the amount of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, absorbed by forests and other sources from the amount of emissions, bringing the total to essentially zero, in order to curb global warming.

Carbon Neutral Promotion System

We will launch a Carbon Neutral Promotion Working Team in fiscal 2021 and a Carbon Neutral Headquarters in fiscal 2023, and are working with AISIN Group to promote CO2 reduction activities.

Each team's efforts

We contribute to reducing lifecycle CO2 emissions through product development and energy-saving activities in the production process, taking into consideration everything from the procurement and manufacturing of raw materials and parts to the use and disposal of vehicles.

Product Team

Reducing CO2 emissions from our products

We reduce CO2 emissions throughout the product's life cycle by making parts lighter, reducing the number of parts, and substituting materials.

Contributing to reducing CO2 emissions through product use

  • We provide Cooperative regenerative braking system to improve the energy efficiency of electric and hybrid vehicles. They control friction-based braking and contribute to maximizing the recovery of electrical energy.
  • It minimizes brake drag while driving and contributes to reducing the rolling resistance of the vehicle. By improving the vehicle's electric power and fuel economy, it contributes greatly to reducing CO2 emissions from the vehicle.
Breakdown of life cycle CO2 emissions per product
Life cycle CO2 emissions per product
Contribution of our products to CO2 emissions during vehicle operation
*The amount of reduction varies depending on the size of the vehicle.

Manufacturing Team

Reduction of CO2 emissions from the production of our own products

By eliminating energy waste within the process, we reduce CO2 emissions during production.

[Examples of initiatives]
We are reducing the amount of energy required for heating by insulating the furnace body of the heat treatment furnace to prevent waste through heat radiation and by circulating and reusing exhaust heat.

Reducing heating energy by recycling waste heat