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Health and safety

In order to realize the AISIN Group's management philosophy, which is based on Inspiring "movement", creating tomorrow, ADVICS prioritize "safety and health" in all of our business activities and our daily actions.

Aisin Consolidated Occupational Safety and Health Policy

  1. We promote activities to protect ourselves and our colleagues through open communication with the participation of all employees.
  2. We strive to develop safe and healthy people through education, training, and awareness raising.
  3. We not only comply with the laws and regulations of each country, but also establish our own standards and create a comfortable working environment.
  4. We prioritize safety and health above all else, thoroughly eliminate dangerous and harmful factors, and aim for zero accidents.
  5. We will invest appropriate management resources and establish and maintain continuous improvement and management systems to achieve our goals.
  6. In addition to closely exchanging information with the government, customers, local communities, suppliers, and people working at our business locations, we also collaborate with domestic and overseas business locations to ensure efficient operations.
  7. We will make this policy known to each and every person working at our office and actively disclose it.

Safety, health and fire prevention promotion system

In order to achieve zero occupational accidents and fires, we promote safety, health, and fire prevention activities by sharing information and providing support to domestic and overseas bases, including the Group.

Health and Safety Committee

We share information about workplace implementation examples and problems related to safety, hygiene (health), fire prevention, greetings, risk prediction training on traffic safety, etc.

Health and Safety Committee

Safety, health and environmental education

We conduct safety and health education with the aim of preventing occupational accidents.

Robot operation education

Safety and health awareness activities

The "Pocket Book for Protecting Yourself" repeatedly raises awareness of basic safety behaviors (hold onto the handrail when going up and down stairs, keep your hands in your pockets, do not walk while using a smartphone, etc.) to foster a safety culture and improve safety awareness among employees.

Outpatient construction management

Safety patrols are carried out by managers during construction work carried out by outside contractors (outpatient work) in an effort to prevent occupational accidents and fires caused by outsourced work.

Support activities

We ask group companies about their safety and fire prevention issues. At safety and fire prevention exchange meetings, executives and attendees come together to discuss solutions and contribute to raising the level of safety and fire prevention activities.

Safety and fire prevention exchange meeting

Setting of Safety and fire prevention month

Safety month
In conjunction with National Safety Week from July 7 to 1, ADVICS has designated July as Safety month and is conducting safety awareness activities.

Fire prevention month
Learning from the fire that occurred at the Kariya Plant on February 2007, 2, ADVICS has designated February as Fire Prevention Month and is conducting activities to raise awareness of fire prevention.

Safety awareness activities


Initiatives for quality

ADVICS aims to be "the brake manufacturing group that satisfies the all customers in the world," and promotes human resource development and quality awareness activities as one of the important foundations for maintaining and improving quality.

Quality Policy

Based on the principle of "quality first" and the idea of ​​"for society and for our customers," we contribute to the creation of a more prosperous society through attractive products.

  1. Pursuing safety, environment, and comfort, we provide advanced brake systems that satisfy and impress our customers.
  2. Aiming to be a brake system supplier with the world's No. 1 quality, we will thoroughly carry out quality assurance activities based on our quality management system.
  3. We establish annual policies based on our vision and long-term plans, and conduct continuous improvements and regular reviews of our management system to achieve our goals.
  4. In addition to conforming to international standards and complying with laws and regulations, we will act responsibly in accordance with the Aisin Group Charter of Corporate Behavior.
  5. We closely exchange information with the government, customers, local communities, suppliers, and employees, and collaborate with domestic and overseas offices to operate efficiently.
  6. We will promote continuous improvement activities by thoroughly adopting a QC perspective and way of thinking.
    We will invest appropriate management resources to innovate technology, improve facilities, educate and train, and raise awareness.
  7. We will disseminate this policy to each and every employee working at Advics and our offices around the world, and actively disclose this policy as we strive to achieve high goals.

April 1, 2024
Toru Fujita
Executive General Manager of Quality Assurance Sector Operating Officer

Quality case exhibition

We hold quality case study exhibitions at group companies. We exhibited actual problems that occurred, customer feedback, quality improvement initiatives, etc., and participating employees filled out a questionnaire about their feelings. I try to apply what I notice and learn to my own work.

Number of participants 15,676
Quality case exhibition

Quality award / slogan recruitment

We solicited quality improvement examples and quality slogans from group companies. By awarding and introducing outstanding examples and slogans, we encourage mutual improvement of technology.

Number of slogan applications 15,912
Slogan excellence award

Comply with the rules! When it is hard to do so, consult your boss!

Quality award recognition

Hands-on training on actual car defects for new employees

All new employees ride in a vehicle that simulates a brake malfunction and experience a customer's near-miss, thereby increasing their awareness of quality and sense of responsibility.

Actual vehicle malfunction experience

Quality lecture for new employees

The head of Quality Assurance Department conducts quality lectures to raise quality awareness among new employees.
By explaining the magnitude of a company's social responsibility and the impact of the quality defects, we teach them about the importance of the quality.

quality lecture

Quality awareness videos / song

In order to foster a culture that adheres to SQDC (Safety, Quality, Delivery, Cost) priorities, we regularly produce quality awareness videos that introduce lessons learned from past cases. It is available in eight languages ​​so that many of employees can see them. Employees appear in the videos and compose lyrics and music of the enlightenment song to encourage them to think about quality as their own responsibility. At our supplier appreciation meetings, we convey our commitment to quality by performing the enlightenment song.

Number of supported languages 8 languages
Awareness videos/songs
Presented at supplier appreciation party

Supply chain

With suppliers

ADVICS conducts its procurement activities based on the principle of coexistence and co-prosperity with its suppliers, and its mission is to "procure the best products in a stable manner at the most reasonable price and in a timely manner."

Basic concept in procurement

Partnership Building Declaration

In order to carry out management aimed at reducing and strengthening the risks of the entire supplier chain with an awareness of being close to our business partners, we have adopted the purpose of the ``Council for Promoting Partnership Building for the Future'', in which the Cabinet Office and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry participate. We agreed and announced the "Partnership Building Declaration" on August, 2022.

Specific activities of support

  • Strengthen BCP
  • Problem solving support

Click here for the “Partnership Building Declaration” portal site

ADVICS “Partnership Building Declaration”

Strengthening partnerships

We are working to further strengthen our partnerships by sharing our procurement policy with suppliers and awarding excellent supplier awards. Through our annual supplier survey, we listen to candid opinions and strive to improve supplier satisfaction and procurement operations.

Number of questionnaires returned 466
Excellent supplier award ceremony

Global procurement conference

The Global Procurement Conference is a gathering of members from each base to build a global procurement base and provide the best parts and materials at the most competitive prices in a long-term, stable manner. Strengthen communication and promote procurement One Voice through discussions on industry-specific procurement strategies.*This is a place to realize this.

*as a procurement function, we must work together to share the same ideas and communicate the same ideas.

Global procurement conference

Promotion of green procurement

The Aisin Group Green Procurement Guidelines require suppliers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, recycle resources including waste, reduce water usage, and conserve biodiversity. We promote the reduction of environmental risks by visiting and inspecting suppliers with high risks in terms of environmental impact.

Risk avoidance activities assuming disasters

In the event of a large-scale disaster such as an earthquake, we aim to continue our business with a focus on human life safety, regional restoration, and early recovery. We are promoting supply chain management aimed at recovery and alternative production at our domestic and overseas bases.

Number of SCRAM* registered part numbers 17,915

*Supply Chain Risk Assessment Management

Supplier fire prevention inspection

As part of our fire risk avoidance activities, we conduct fire prevention inspections of our suppliers. We are working to improve the level of fire prevention throughout our supply chain, including our suppliers.

Response to conflict minerals issue

In order to achieve procurement that does not directly or indirectly contribute to conflict or child labor, we continue to conduct conflict mineral surveys along the supply chain together with our suppliers. We are working to achieve the SDGs by emphasizing procurement-related factors such as the working environment, human rights, safety, and employment as procurement issues.

Number of suppliers we requested investigations from 376 companies


Work-life balance

ADVICS aims to be a company where employees can work with enthusiasm and feel glad to have worked for it. Therefore, as part of work style reform, labor and management are working together to promote a better work-life balance.

Work-life balance support system

We have introduced a variety of systems to allow each employee to choose flexible work styles depending on life events, family circumstances, etc.

Number of work-life balance support systems: 12 Childcare leave
Postpartum paternity leave
Shorter working hours for childcare
Child care leave system
Nursing care leave
Shorter working hours for nursing care
Nursing care leave
Accumulated paid leave (Paid leave that will expire can be accumulated and used for nursing care, etc.)
Coreless flex
Accompanying leave of absence
Family plan support (shorter working hours / leave for infertility treatment)

Telework system

By introducing a telework system that allows employees to work anywhere, we are increasing options for employees and striving to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. We are also taking care of our employees by creating a health management guidebook for those using our telework system.

Support for balancing work and childcare

We have received Kurumin certification from the Aichi Labor Bureau as a child-rearing support company based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support the Development of Next-Generation Children.
From Fiscal Year 2020, we have set a goal of 100% of male employees taking childcare leave.

FY23 Return to work rate after maternity/childcare leave 100%

Number of employees taking childcare leave

FY23 Male childcare leave taking rate 91%

Number of people using shortened working hours for childcare

Promotion of taking paid leave

We created a workplace where it is easy to take paid leave and followed up on taking it. We aim to be a company where each employee can work with enthusiasm, feeling a sense of accomplishment and growth at work, and enriching their private lives during their free time.

Average number of days taken in FY23 17 days

Average number of paid leave days taken

Diversity & Inclusion

ADVICS has identified promoting diversity as a sustainability priority. We are working to create an environment where each employee can demonstrate their full potential and continue to play an active role.

Abundant human resources development programs

We are continuing to hold career interviews with superiors, which began in Fiscal Year 2022, with the aim of creating an environment where each employee can independently and autonomously feel motivated, demonstrate their abilities and individuality, and play an active role. In the future, we will continue to provide support by rank and department, pre-overseas assignment training, and self-development assistance, in order to help each employee realize the career they envision.

Comprehensive Human Resource Development Programs

In order to further strengthen our competitiveness, we are increasing opportunities to secure talented foreign personnel in the staff field, and by incorporating perspectives and ways of thinking unique to foreigners, we are working to improve and revitalize the organization's creativity. In addition, we are developing human resources who can play an active role globally through our overseas trainee system, which dispatches young employees to overseas bases and trains them, which is also beneficial to companies.

Number of foreign workers in FY23 112
Training by foreign instructors

Promoting active participation of women

In order to enable female employees to further succeed in the company, we are continually organizing working groups to help female employees improve their careers, work comfort, and job satisfaction, with the goal of a 2030 % ratio of female managers by 1. We propose and implement measures to achieve this goal to management. Even in the technical field, we are working to improve the working environment for female employees and create an environment where it is easy for women to improve their skills.

Women's Empowerment Working Group

Promoting employment of people with disabilities

In order to ensure the stability of employment and lifestyle necessary to continue working, we have appointed a person in charge of employment of people with disabilities within the company, and have established a consultation desk for both people with disabilities and the workplace members. In addition, through our personnel, we collaborate with the internal health promotion office, external support organizations, and medical institutions to establish a cooperative system for maintaining health and relieving anxiety in daily life. By using apps that visualize conversations, taking sign language courses, and holding study sessions to get to know each other, we provide opportunities to learn about differences in perspectives and thoughts, which leads to smooth communication.

Providing guidance
FY23 employment rate of people with disabilities 2.38% (statutory employment rate 2.3%)

Number of people with disabilities employed

Social contributions

As a member of the local community

AISIN Group, including ADVICS, aims to achieve the SDGs by working on nature and environmental protection, youth development, and urban development.

Nature / environmental protection

We carry out various environmental protection activities to contribute to the sustainable development of society.

Tree planting activities

AISIN Group engages in tree planting activities to contribute to carbon neutrality and protect the environment. We are continuing to work on initiatives at our bases in each country, including preventing gravel collapse and greening of Mt. Fuji in Japan, preventing desertification in Inner Mongolia in China, and preserving mangrove forests in Thailand.

Number of trees planted in FY23 Approximately 9 million
Mt. Fuji tree planting activity
Thailand base mangrove tree planting activity
Natural environment conservation activities in the headwaters of the Yahagi River

AISIN Group receives many benefits from the Yahagi River in Japan, both as water for factories and for daily use. In order to protect the water source forest, in 2004 we concluded a ''Forest Foster Parent Agreement'' with Neba Village, Shimoina District, Nagano Prefecture, which is the source area. We cooperate with the maintenance of promenades, tree planting, and thinning, and have received certification for CO₂ absorption effectiveness. As part of this effort, Aisin Group employees and their families participate in environmental education and forest restoration activities at the Neba Village Forest Creation Activities.

Environmental learning by Shinshu University students

Youth development

We support the healthy growth of children, who will lead the future.

Providing environmental education for elementary school students

AISIN environmental learning program for elementary school students is implemented in collaboration with the government and NPOs. Through experiences and games, we provide environmental education that helps children realize the importance of the environment and leads them to practice eco-friendly activities in their daily lives.

Number of children participating in 23 93
Environmental learning through games
Support for local facilities and schools

At a welfare facility in China, employees interacted with children and donated toys and daily necessities. Employees support classes at a Japanese language school in the United States and donate operating costs. In Brazil, we support local communities at our bases around the world, donating clothing and children's books to elderly care facilities and children's homes.

Support for welfare facilities based in China
Programming delivery course for elementary and junior high school students

Employees serve as instructors and conduct programming courses for local elementary and junior high school students. We provide an opportunity to have fun learning about programming through missions and games in which robot cars move as intended.

Number of participants in FY23 180
Programming instruction
Driving test

Town planning

ADVICS continues to carry out activities in a wide range of fields with the aim of creating a society where all people can live safely and securely.

Support for the 6 Noto Peninsula Earthquake

Twenty-one AISIN Group companies made donations to the Central Community Chest of Japan and the Japanese Red Cross Society to provide support for earthquake damage. We also provided food and sanitary supplies through local governments.

Total donation amount 10 million yen
Contributing to improving safety awareness of local residents

As a member of the automobile industry, Advics is conducting activities both domestically and internationally with the aim of achieving zero traffic accident deaths.
We contribute to raising local residents' awareness of traffic safety by holding traffic patrols and holding traffic safety classes in nearby areas.

Thailand base traffic guard
China base traffic safety class
Donating vaccines to children in Global South countries

We collect plastic bottle caps and donate vaccines to children in developing countries through an NPO.

Number of vaccines donated in FY23 For 125 people
Donated to the local elementary school
Donating food to people in need

Through NPO organizations, we donate food stockpiled for disasters to individuals and welfare organizations in need. We are contributing to solving poverty issues in local communities and reducing food loss.

Number of meals donated in FY23 Approximately 5000
Transport to food bank
Installation of the donation-type vending machines

Since 2019, we have been continuously donating a portion of the proceeds from vending machines to the Japanese Red Cross Society. In March 2023, we were awarded a ''President's Letter of Appreciation'' for this support. These donations are used for emergency relief, reconstruction support, and prevention activities to help people suffering from disasters, conflicts, and diseases around the world.

Number of units installed in FY23 34 (22 units increase compared to the previous year)
Vending machine with donations
Letter from the Japanese Red Cross Society
Educational advertisement for employees