In addition to systematic education, ADVICS also promotes voluntary study groups, roundtable discussions, salons, etc.
On February 22, 2024, we held a "Work Style Roundtable" at the Fujioka Branch. Nine members of the Friction Technology Development Department, both male and female, participated and actively exchanged opinions on topics related to maternity leave and childcare leave.

◆Through a simulated maternity experience
The simulation tool used on the day was handmade by female employees using a shopping bag, a baby sling, and 7kg of water. The male employees who participated carried it and performed everyday actions such as sitting, standing, and reaching for things on a shelf, experiencing the difficulties and hardships that those who have experienced pregnancy feel.

◆ Comments from participating employees
When I actually held the simulation tool, it was heavier than I had imagined. I had some knowledge of the weight of a baby, but I was able to experience for myself the changes in a woman's body caused by pregnancy and the enormous burden she has to bear while living and working. I want to be more considerate of pregnant women in the future.

Friction Technology Development Department Mayumi Tsujimura
◆ Comments from the organizers
You can talk to your boss about work-related worries through career counseling, but there was no place where you could talk about private matters such as life events. That's why we started this group with the desire to create a place where you can face and share not only the positive things about work and life, but also the negative things you usually think about. In the future, we would like to continue to carefully pick up problems and plan beneficial events for employees in order to promote the creation of an environment where employees can work comfortably.
ADVICS respects the activities of all divisions to revitalize the workplace and improve the quality of work, and strives to create a workplace where each employee can work with enthusiasm.