Since 2016, ADVICS has been providing programming education to elementary and junior high school students in Aichi Prefecture, where its headquarters is located, under the title of "Programming Outreach Courses." The company is contributing to convey the appeal of science and technology to children who will lead the next generation and to providing a "learning space" that will nurture the creators of the future society.
On February 5, 2024, we held a programming outreach course for 62 sixth graders at Fujimatsukita Elementary School in Kariya City. A total of 16 people from ADVICS participated as instructors, supporters, and secretariat staff.
Employees who work in programming, as well as employees with no prior knowledge of programming, participate as child supporters. Rather than a one-way lecture format, we practice "active learning," where children actively think and learn.

The children were divided into teams of four and created a program to operate a robot car made of Lego. With advice from child supporters, they took on missions such as "going straight and turning right" and "driving in a figure eight". For the final mission, the teams competed in a game to push out as many paper cups as possible within the time limit. Everyone in the team racked their brains in a heated battle! Finally, the team with the highest score presented their program. The other teams applauded their strategy for achieving a high score.
◆Comments from participating students
It's good to think alone, but it was fun to think about how to improve things as a team and put it into practice. At school, there was only a screen, but there was an actual object, so it was easy to understand how we programmed. It was difficult because I wasn't used to the operations and numbers, but I was very happy when it went well.

Comments from participating employees
I was very impressed by their serious attitude towards their goal, even when it came to programming design, which naturally involves mathematical concepts that are not taught in elementary school, and they tried and tested things by themselves. In fact, I sometimes learned from the children that I was able to approach my work with the same attitude.

2way backpack as a gift
ADVICS will continue to contribute to the development of human resources who will create the society of the future through the creation and support of "learning opportunities."